Italiano   English
Fiori e colori, per un matrimonio bucolico

Ho incontrato Valentina, una giovane ed entusiasta florist del matrimonio, perchè volevo raccontarvi cosa ci aspetta in questo 2018 e quali sono le preferenze delle spose.

Valentina ci dice che si prediligerà uno stile naturale e bucolico, fiori di campo: tanti fiori, tanti colori ma anche tanta armonia. Uno stile che possiamo definire "scomposto ordinato". Deve dare l'idea della freschezza e della ricchezza della natura.

Il viola, colore dell'anno, troverà sì riscontro nelle tendenze dei matrimoni, ma declinato nelle tonalità più lievi, come lilla, lavanda ed azzurro chiaro. I fiori di questo colore danno un tocco di dolcezza alla vivacità dei fiori di campo.

La peonia rimane il fiore più richiesto dalle spose, ma quello che non manca mai è la rosa. Spesso insieme ad altri fiori, la rosa dona un tocco di eleganza e di romanticismo. E' molto versatile ed ha un'ampia gamma di colori, ciò che le consente di essere usata per ricreare ogni tipo di atmosfera.

Vi sono poi fiori, seppur bellissimi, che incontrano gran diffidenza al loro utilizzo nel matrimonio: i crisantemi giapponesi.
Aggiungo, per riscattare questo bel fiore, che in Giappone è stato fonte di ispirazione per molte poesie, è associato al ringiovanimento ed alla longevità. Poesia, ringiovanimento e longevità: non sono la metafora della vita matrimoniale?
Per non menzionare che il crisantemo è stato adottato come simbolo della Famiglia Imperiale. Infine, una curiosità: il "Supremo Ordine del Crisantemo" è il più importante riconoscimento che l'Imperatore può concedere.
Ce n'è abbastanza per prenderlo in considerazione, no?

Tornando ai nostri allestimenti nuziali, si utilizzerano sempre più spesso frutta e verdura (e qui di nuovo parliamo di natura), sempre seguendo la stagionalità. Quindi fragole, mele e ciliegie in primavera-estate, peperoncini, cavoli, carciofi e melagrane in inverno.

Avete notato quante volte è stata menzionata la natura? Ed in effetti vi sarà un'immersione nella natura. Vi saranno sempre più piante verdi e fiorite a fare da sfondo, da cornice, da ambiente a tutto il matrimonio.

Per quanto riguarda i supporti, specchi, ceramiche e metalli lasceranno posto al vetro in tutte le sue forme e di tutti i tipi: liscio o lavorato, per un'atmosfera più elegante, barattoli per conserve e vasetti per un'atmosfera più naturale e country. Sempre per stare a contatto con la natura, tante cassette e cassettine di legno, in ogni occasione, dai tavoli del buffet, alla confettata, al centrotavola.

Il fiore "simbolo" del matrimonio, quello preferito dalla sposa, magari il primo fiore che le regalò il suo futuro sposo, ebbene quel fiore sarà presente in ogni occasione: oltre al bouquet ed agli allestimenti, sarà richiamato nella boutonnière (che, ricordiamo, il galateo vorrebbe per lo sposo, per i testimoni, i fratelli ed i papà degli sposi), nei corsages, sulle wedding cake e spesso utilizzato come escort card, per lasciare agli invitati un ricordo del giorno delle nozze, che gli ospiti potranno portare con sé e far crescere, ricordandosi di quella bella giornata felice.

La raccomandazione di Valentina è di utilizzare sempre fiori di stagione. Ciò vi consentirà di avere una scelta maggiore: i fiori seguono il loro ciclo di vita naturale e non sostano a lungo in cella frigo, quindi anche la loro durata sarà maggiore; è importante che siano ancora belli quando scattiamo le foto verso la fine della festa!

Per finire, se desiderate in casa un tocco fiorito, quando gli amici ed i parenti verranno a farvi visita prima del matrimonio (il giorno del matrimonio fate fare alla vostra wedding planner e godetevi la giornata), ecco un suggerimento per realizzare una composizione semplice ma efficace da porre sul vostro tavolo dei regali:
Prendete una brocca in vetro, oppure un vaso per conserve; aggiungete un po' d'acqua ed inseritevi dei rami di rosmarino, di salvia, di timo e del verde aromatico che potete raccogliere in giardino. Poi aggiungete dei fiori di campo: camomilla, alstroemeria, lisianthus, ecc. Potete aggiungervi ogni giorno i fiori di campo che troverete passeggiando in campagna, o in un prato, qualche papavero, ad esempio. Avrete un angolo gioioso, fresco, e sempre diverso.


Grazie per avere letto il mio articolo.
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GDPR Privacy Notice
This notice provides certain required information to persons located in the European Union ("EU"), a European Economic Area ("EAA") member state, or Switzerland. Before ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS BY CARLA PAZZAGLIA collects any "personal data" from you, you are entitled under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (commonly known as the EU General Data Protection Regulation, or the "GDPR"), to the information in this notice. The GDPR does not apply to the processing of personal data from data subjects prior to May 25, 2018.
The GDPR defines (a) "personal data" as information that identifies you, or may be used to identify you, such as your name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity, (b) "controller" as the entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, (c) "processor" as the entity that processes personal data on behalf of the controller, and (d) "data subject" as a natural person who is identified, or can be identified, by reference to his or her personal data.
If you would like to review the GDPR Articles cited in this notice, please click here,
The Identity and Contact Details of the Controller
Under the GDPR, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS BY CARLA PAZZAGLIA will be deemed the "controller" of your personal data. If you would like to contact ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS in its capacity as controller, please contact:
Piazza Elio Mandini 6
40055 Castenaso - Bologna
Tel. +39.339.3622952

Data Protection Officer
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS is not a public authority or body. At present, the ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS's core activities do not include the regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale, nor does it process on a large scale either special categories of data (as described in GDPR Article 9) or personal data relating to criminal convictions and offenses (as described in GDPR Article 10). For these reasons, the GDPR does not obligate ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS to designate a data protection officer ("DPO"). If, in the future, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS voluntarily designates a DPO, this notice shall be updated to identify and include contact information for the DPO.

ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS BY CARLA PAZZAGLIA's Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS will only process your personal data for lawful purposes under the GDPR related to the organisation and management of your wedding, and arising from your relationship with the ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS.
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS will ordinarily collect and process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or because ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS has another legitimate interest in doing so. When ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS cannot rely on either of such legal grounds, it will seek your prior consent. For example, GDPR Article 9 generally requiresITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS to obtain your prior consent if it collects special categories of personal data protected under the GDPR (e.g., racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, the processing of genetic or biometric data to uniquely identify a natural person, health data, or data related to one's sexual activities or orientation).
The purposes for which ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS collects personal data, and the legal bases for processing such personal data, are summarized in the chart that appears below.
In the chart: each reference to (a) "necessary for the performance of a contract" shall be deemed to mean, "Necessary for the performance of a contract or agreement to which you are a party, or preliminary steps leading up to such a contract or agreement;" (b) ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS 's "legitimate interest" shall require a prior "balancing test" determination by the ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS that its legitimate interest in processing your personal data is not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms in protecting such personal data; and (c) your "prior consent" shall mean your voluntarily consent, given prior to the processing of your personal data.  If you would like additional information as to ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS 's legitimate interest "balancing test" determination under clause (b), please contact the Controller at:
Purpose for Processing
Legal Basis for Processing
Managing Participants and Attendees of your weddings – wedding proposal - anniversary
Couple/Guests/Paricipants/Attendes and Accounts: Establishing and administering accounts, issuing invoices, processing payments, preparing related correspondence, and, if necessary, pursuing collection efforts
Such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS as a legitimate interest in in collecting necessary information so that the ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS can, in a timely and accurate manner, and in compliance with applicable laws for the event's management.
Operating Dining Halls and Other Food Service Facilities:  Running cafeterias, restaurants, snack bars, and convenience stores.
Such processing is necessary to the performance of a contract
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS as a legitimate interest in confirming that only authorized persons use food service facilities, in verifying that such use conforms to meal plan and in identifying personal dietary constraints and preferences in order to offer appropriate food options
Accomodation Mangament for Event's attendes: manage attendee housing for weddings and related event's

Such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS as a legitimate interest in managing access to accomodation so that housing facilities are occupied only by eligible persons and accessed only by permitted persons at permitted times in order to safely and securely operate such facilities, and in collecting and maintaining personal information for use in cases of emergencies
Your prior consent
Providing Attendees Support Services:  Providing accommodations under disabilities laws
Such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS as a legitimate interest in promoting, assisting, and monitoring event's attendees accessibility
Your prior consent

Categories of Personal Data Collected
In certain instances, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS, in its capacity as a controller, may acquire your personal data from a third party, and not directly from you.  If this occurs, then within a reasonable period of time, but not later than the earlier to occur of (a) the first time ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS communicates with you, and (b) one month after ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS acquires such personal data, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS will advise you of the categories of personal data collected, the source from which ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS acquired such personal data, and certain additional information required under GDPR Article 14.
Recipients/Categories of Recipients Who May Receive Your Personal Data
The specific categories of recipients who will receive your information depend on the service you have chosen from ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS.  The categories of recipients are likely to include one or more of the following:
As to theITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS data collection activities described in the preceding chart, suppliers hired to provide goods or services to your wedding and their staff involved in such activities may receive your personal data; such persons will generally be located in Italy;
If you would like more detailed information as to the specific identify of recipients receiving particular personal data, please contact the Controller at

Transfer of Personal Data to the Extra UE states
Personal data that you provide while in the EU, an EAA member state, or Switzerland will not be transferred to the Extra UE states. The GDPR permits such transfer when necessary for the performance of a contract between you and ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS or if ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS obtains your explicit consent to such transfer. In transferring your personal data to a processor, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS will employ suitable safeguards, including those described in the Information Security section below, to protect the privacy and security of your personal data so that it is only used in a manner consistent with your relationship with the university and this privacy notice.
How Long Will Your Personal Data Be Stored?
The GDPR requires that your personal data be kept no longer than necessary. The applicable time period will depend on the nature of such personal data and will also be determined by legal requirements imposed under applicable laws and regulations. If you have specific questions concerning how long a certain type of personal data will be retained, please contact the Controller at

You Have Certain Rights to Control Your Personal Data
Articles 15-21 of the GDPR give you the right to control your personal data by directing ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS, as controller, to do one or more of the following, subject to certain conditions and limitations:
(a) allow you to access your personal data to see what information ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS has collected concerning you;
(b) correct (rectify) any inaccuracy in your personal data;
(c) delete (erase) your personal data, unless ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS can demonstrate that retention is necessary or that ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS has other overriding legitimate grounds for retention;
(d) restrict the processing of your personal data;
(e) transfer your personal data to a third party (portability); and
(f) upon your objection, stop processing personal data when ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS is relying on a legitimate interest basis for processing such data unless ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests in prohibiting such processing.
If You Consent to the Processing of Your Data, You Can Withdraw Such Consent
If ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS obtains your written consent to collect and process your personal data, you can subsequently withdraw such consent as to any further processing of such data by contacting the Controller.
GDPR Remedies Include the Right to File A Complaint With The Supervisory Authority
If you believe your privacy rights under the GDPR have been violated, the GDPR gives you the rights and remedies set forth in GDPR Articles 77-82. These include the right to file a complaint with the Italian data protection supervisory authority:
Garante Per La Protezione Dei Dati Personali
Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121
00186 Roma
Tel. + 39 06 69677 1
Fax. + 39 06 69677 785
Are You Obligated to Provide Personal Data?
As discussed above, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS will sometimes ask you to provide information necessary to perform contracts to which you are a party, or to satisfy certain legal requirements binding upon the university.  If you do not provide such information, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS will not be able to process such contracts or comply with such legal requirements, and you will not be eligible to receive the benefits that may result from the processing of such contracts, or compliance with such requirements.
You Have The Right to Know If ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS Uses Your Personal Data In Automated Decision-Making, Including Profiling
The GDPR limits ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS's right to use your personal data for predictive purposes as part of an automated decision-making process, including profiling. Such a process uses your personal data, such as preferences, interests, behavior, locations, and personal movement, to make an analytically-determined decision, instead of a personalized, individual decision. The GDPR limitation does not apply when such automated decision-making is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are, or will be, a party. ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS does not intend to use personal data in an automated decision-making process, except in the context of such a contract. However, if it does, it will seek your consent for such use. 
Information Security
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS, by design, works to take necessary steps to protect personal data from unauthorized access, unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information. In particular, ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS :
uses encryption both in transit and at rest to protect personal data;
requires log-in authentication for accessing services related to a data subject's ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS Account;
reviews its information collection, storage and processing practices, perimeter security and physical security measures, to guard against unauthorized access to systems;
restricts access to personal data on a "need to know" basis so that only authorized personnel and contractors have access to personal data and only for the permitted purpose
ITALIAN DREAM WEDDINGS employees and contractors are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations; and
employs technical and organizational measures, such as pseudonymization and data minimization, to structurally reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized disclosures of personal data.

Autorizzo al trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/03